A book, looking like a picture book but clearly meant only for adults, was recently leaked as a PDF and went viral, increasing sales exponentially. The book? "Go the Fuck to Sleep" I set myself a challenge, to try and use the book in a spine poem. If you haven't seen the book, take a moment and giggle at the PDF version online. Then, check out my attempts at using it in a poem.
I love telling the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Aside from how well it works as a story for kids, going from smallest to biggest, you get to do a troll voice - "Who's that Trip-Trapping over my bridge?" - and any story involving head-butting always gets a laugh. This is my homage to the goats who just wanted to cross a bridge to get to the greener grass on the other side. "And they are probably still there, to this very day. Snip snap snout, this tale's told out."
In honour of Easter Monday, here's another egg poem. Poor Humpty. What a morbid nursery rhyme.
Humpty Dumpty
The wall
The fall
An egg is quiet