Is there anything simultaneously better and worse than hope when it comes to a new crush? When you think "what if...?" and there's actually a chance, until you realize that it's false hope you're just creating in your own head.
Not sure what this means, exactly, but I like the idea that you can beat the Tear Collector just by wishing. Sort of like helping an angel get its wings, or keeping Tinkerbell alive just by believing.
I'm not really a liar, but this one kind of flowed...
Another "challenge" poem, this one was given to me by a co-worker who thought the new book called 'Does farting make you go faster?' was too good to pass up.
So, a girl at work is totally creeped out by spiders. There was a big one at work. She managed to knock it off the desk but then kept imagining that it was still alive and crawling up her leg. What did I do to be a good friend? Throw together a poem about it, naturally!
Asked to do a poem for the Volunteer Newsletter at work, this is what I came up with: